I truly enjoy life, and I never want to stop enjoying life.

I want everything that I get involved with to be a part of my enjoyment of life, whether if it is fun, entertaining, interesting, for the good of others or to exalt God. And I want my year at SKEMA Business School to be a part of this.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

These last few days.

Ok, it has already been a while since I last wrote anything on here, but here we go again.
I bought a new camera on Tuesday, because my old one broke when I was in Paris. Here are some photos that were shot since Tuesday :)

Skype is so great when I'm so far away from home, it is great to talk to friends and family. Spoke with Anja on Tuesday night.

I went for a walk in the park by here to have my quiet time with God. This park is lovely.

On Friday I went with Vanessa and Eugene to Ventimiglia, just across the Italian border, to the Friday's market, and know what you can buy there... fish from the Faroe Islands, yes, you're reading correctly. If you look carefully on the paper on the fish you can see it says "Prod. Faroe Islande".

Italian traffic is CRAZY!

Since I live in the middle of the woods far from civilization, Joanna and I went for a walk.

The colours were just beautiful. It isn't really cold here, so I keep thinking it is still summer, but you can see that winter is coming when looking at the colours. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Student Life.

Easy meals, and good entertainment :o)
I was watching the Amazing Race while eating my dinner.

My new home.

As I mentioned in my previous entry, I recently moved to France to start studying.
I live in a studio flat at a student residence belonging to the school that I'm in. The residence is quite new (finished  in 2009), so it is not worn down, which is very nice. The school is just up the hill (5 min.), but towns are quite far away.

Here are some photo of the place:

This is the place from the outside, can you spot me on the balcony?
There is construction work going on right outside my window, not good!

This is the noisy construction work. Looking forward to it being done!

My desk for studying and my comfortable bed.

Dining area.

My tiny kitchen area, but I manage.

The bathroom across from the kitchen-area.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A New Chapter Has Begun.

Hanging out with friends right before I left.

Just over a month ago, I began a long planned journey, a new chapter in my life. I now live in France, in Valbonne Sophina Antipolis, to be precise. I have moved to here to study communication at SKEMA Bachelors, I will be living here 2 years, then moving to another destination to finish my studies. It will either be the UK or the US.

I live in a beautiful area :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ein vika á Zarepta.

Eg havi akkurát verið á Zarepta á 13 ára leguni har. Eg var leiðari har, og eg hevði hesar fittu gentir á mínum holdi. Tað var ein sera góð lega, vit høvdu tað stuttligt, og eg var ógvuliga glað fyri at genturnar gjørdu mær tann beina og løgdu seg at sova tá náttarfriður skuldi vera, túsund takk fyri :)

At skapa sær eitt sindur dugdu vit eisini væl. Her er kapping um at gera flottasta hoppið, og eg haldi, at tær duga sera væl :) Eg fái ongantíð nokk av hoppimyndum.

Tá veðrið jú var so gott, so varð sjálvandi grillað. Her er alt holdið samla, og Elsa er eisini komin, eftir at hava verið langt burturi og ferðast.

Hugnaløtan var bara eisini hildin uttanfyri.

Genturnar hjá vildu sleppa at royna alt. Her rógva tær okkum langt út á vatni. Bara rólig, eg hjálpti eisini eitt sindur til.

Ein av døgunum fóru vit eisini í ítriv á pynta skrivibøkur. Summar vóru ógvuliga skjótt lidnar, meðan eg brúkti laaanga tíð og endaði við at vera síðst liðug.

Vit fóru eisini at svimja. Genialt at Zarepta hevur so nógv at bjóða. Hetta var tann stuttligasta myndin vit tóku har.

Alt í alt vil eg siga, at hetta var ein góð vika. Tað vóru útfordringar, sum vit máttu berja okkum ígjøgnum, men eg haldi, at Orð Guds bleiv greitt prædikað, vit lærdu øll millum annað Móses betur at kenna. 

Eg haldi á at biðja fyri tykkum, gentir, haldið tykkum til Gud og latið Hann vera Harra tykkara!