I truly enjoy life, and I never want to stop enjoying life.

I want everything that I get involved with to be a part of my enjoyment of life, whether if it is fun, entertaining, interesting, for the good of others or to exalt God. And I want my year at SKEMA Business School to be a part of this.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Night in a Tent by a Lake with Friends.

Saturday we went tenting by the lake, Fjallavatn. Since the weather around here is very unpredictable, we were keen on all most anything, but we were hoping for no rain and not too much wind.
We didn't really know the place that we were tenting, so we couldn't really find shelter. The area around the lake was very wet, so we couldn't set up there. But we found a quite good spot.

We brought two disposable barbecues with us, so supper was burgers and sausages, yummy.


Later we decided we wanted to walk around the lake, or maybe just see what we at the far end of the lake. What we thought was going to be a medium long walk, became a loooooong walk with winds against our head and rain pouring in the end. But we made it :) We didn't walk around the lake, but all the way to the far end, so that we could see the ocean.

And coming back from the walk the weather really changed or maybe just got worse. We were able to sleep in the end, but not for long. A few times I seriously thought the tent was going to break and crash on us. But luckily it didn't. I got a few hours of sleep, even the the wind was minimizing our sleeping area.

When I finally got out of my sleeping bag, I was still very tired, and feeling like a horrible mess.
But the trip was a lot of fun.

We were singing: "Or-e-oooo, ore-o, oreo, or-e-ooo, ore-o, oreo, oreo, ore--, ore, ore---o!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To My God.

I don't know how you do what you do 
I'm so in love with you 
It just keeps getting better 
I want to spend the rest of my life 
With you by my side 
Forever and ever 
Every little thing that you do 
My God, I'm amazed by you 

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Ok, so this must be the coolest lane in the country, or maybe the most religious one at least. It has it's very own street name: Kirkjugøta (Church Lane), and there is one, yes one building on the street. Oh yeah, you guessed it, the church.


 Í 2009 vaks víðkaða familja okkara, tá omma giftist Oddur, og tað eru vit sera glað fyri. Síðsta vikuskifti vóru vit næstan øll á Selatrað ein familjutúr, vit vóru 22 fólk (og 4 fólk manglaðu enn tá). Tað var ein sera hugnaligur túrur. Tíð var til  mangt; vit stuttleikaðu okkum, høvdu hugnaligar løtur saman, kappaðust, prátaðu og ótu nógvan mat ;)

Eg eri sera glað fyri at kunna hava góða familju, sum eg kann hava tað gott saman við, og brúka mítt lív saman við.

hesi ætlaðu sær at vinna

vit eta leskilligan grillaðan mat

út at rógva

tað er altíð skeg at spæla við vatn ;)

søta Sára (mín av Selatrað?)

øll somul - high five !